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National Sew a Jelly Roll Day

Moda Fabrics has declared the third Saturday of September National Sew a Jelly Roll Day.

To celebrate this fun event Fat Quarter Shop offered me a choice of their wide selection of Jelly Rolls to take part in Project Jelly Roll. The aim of the day is to break open those Jelly Rolls and whip up a quilt.

I chose the Desert Bloom Jelly Roll by Sherri & Chelsi and it was a perfect match for the Jelly Roll Jam II pattern. Look at the gorgeous rainbow that was created when I de-fluffed the edges with masking tape before taking off the ribbon.

It was really fun to plan the colour placement in this quilt. Desert Bloom was a new to me fabric collection and the navy designs really caught my eye. I played around with a few different ideas but in the end I decided to use the white, yellow, salmon and terracotta fabrics for the narrow blocks and allow the deeper colours to shine in the wide blocks.

 This pattern is ideal for chain piecing and the blocks come together really quickly.

It is a matter of chain piece, press, cut, and then it is time to arrange your layout. A really speedy process.

The Jelly roll Jam II pattern can be used to make two crib quilt tops from one jelly roll, or a crib quilt and backing with the left over strips from the top, or four other sizes depending on how many Jelly Rolls you have. I am really happy I decided to make the small lap quilt sized pattern as I could use all the fabrics together in one top and they coordinate really well across the collection.

I found a light blue backing in my stash and quilted straight lines vertically 2 inches apart, following the vertical seams in the quilt as a guide.

I auditioned a number of binding options but went with a blue stripe that reminds me of faded denim in the end.

This quilt is very soft and I was hoping I had a quilt to call my own at last but my 2 year old has put in a claim and currently has it on his bed. He is at the age where he has discovered the power of the word 'mine' and sounds like one of the seagulls on Finding Dory.

I now need to finish the two quilts I have  previously started for him so I can sneak this one back before Summer arrives.

While I was taking these photos a lovely passerby offered to hold up the quilt for me, I didn't want to take too much of her time so I declined but aren't people lovely? I wonder if she was a quilter too?

After a gentle wash the quilting is more pronounced and the quilt is even more comfy. I really need to work on getting it back!

To celebrate National Sew a Jelly Roll Day Fat Quarter shop has a sale on Jelly rolls until midnight (CST) on September 17th 2017 so you can replenish your supply. 

Thank you Fat Quarter shop for supplying the Jelly Roll I used to take part in National Jelly Roll Quilt Day (though technically I am international!)


  1. Love your choice of fabric and colors. Thanks for sharing ... :) Pat

  2. Mine! Mine! Mine! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ It looks lovely Kendra


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